Thursday, May 29, 2014

Baklava Baking

Yep, still back posting but I'll be caught up soon. 

This is Barbara S, she whom we farewelled yesterday!  Barbara is Greek (as is Ch. S)  and is famous for her yummy cooking. She is doing the cooking for Ch. S's retirement. Many of us want cooking lessons from Barbara before she leaves. Barbara has scheduled dates when she is cooking and would welcome our "help."  Unfortunately, it looks like this is the only session I will make as I'm booked the other times this upcoming week. Recipe will follow - I really need to jot down notes while I still remember all Barbara's little tips.

"Someone" got in trouble for putting her red camera bag on the sterile table. This will remain one of my fondest memories of Barbara. 

I wasn't sure we were much help - but we did get a couple hundred pieces done...and Barbara said we were a help. She wouldn't fudge.

Choosing Joy!
©2014 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...

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