Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Rainy Day

I find it very hard to get motivated when it's rainy....but we pushed through it.

I worked out, spent time with Jesus, journaled, blogged, taught school, made Lasagna for dinner (2/3 turkey and 1/3 vegan), got the rest of the gallons of spaghetti sauce ready for the freezer,  answered a few regional questions, tried to wrap by brain around a few more regional "thangs"....and we'll eat and relax tonight as Michael works late.  I think we need to define "working late" as the norm seems to be late....just so I KNOW if I'm trying to create a vegan dinner he will eat or if a green smoothie or salad will do it. ::snort::

OH - reading a book of  Japanese folk tales to the younger two. Woweee....we read about Ojisan (Gramps) and Obasan (Grams) and a sparrow. Obasan (Grams) cut the TONGUE out of the poor sparrows WORD. I'm wondering if the women will be the villains in all the stories. We might have to read a Disney tale to balance out the women as villain bias (you KNOW - Disney always makes the men the villains).

I  think the Vegan part looks BETTER....though it is a bit "thinner". The box said I should use 5 Cups of sauce and skip the boiling - but I don't think so....far too saucy and rubbery. LOL 

Choosing Joy!
©2012 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...

Stacia Writes ANOTHER letter

You know the drill. She has a few more letters to write and I'm sure she's naturally learning to choose her words carefully and kindly - though this WASN'T a punishment. ::grin::  Today she wrote a letter for Arielle.  The letters are getting shorter...Maybe this will be the start of developing a bit of introspection. ::snort:: 


You are very fun to me. And I love you. Thank you for letting me always play your games - NOW. 


Choosing Joy!
©2012 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...