Thursday, November 18, 2010

Home Again

Conference was amazing and I'll have to find the time to write about it before time gets away from me....

For now, let me report that I'm safely back in Japan for another 5 days. I had a wonderful Sunday afternoon visit with these two.  They were suitably impressed with how many knew their mama. LOL 

We went out to Outback...where I TRIED to eat a full meal. We went to Target and bought gifts for me to bring home....and a new IPAD for me, myself and I. Michael had agreed it would be a nice deployment survival gift. LOL  I wasn't 100% sure I'd really spend the $ for it, until I saw all the folks enjoying them on the long airplane ride over the Pacific. 

Yes, my mama heart wishes I had more time with these guys....but what a JOY to see them doing so well in college, happy with life, taking time to drive 4 hours to visit for an they drove off....and Jamin yelled, "Love you Mama," out the window...I was instantly transported back 20 years to Hardin, MT. These guys used to LOVE to chase all visitor's cars down the road as they left.....and it took everything I had not to chase after them. I settled for walking fast to the bottom of the car garage. ::snort:: 

I'm proud of them in their new lives....and count it as a heavenly wink from heaven to have been given some time with them this past week. 

I arrived home at 10:30 p.m. on Tuesday. I spent Wednesday unpacking, running errands, taking Arielle to the orthodontist. Today was spent with MOPS, more errands and desperately trying to get a refill of Jared's meds before we leave town next week. It looks like I may have to call up the chain of command on this one. Two weeks of trying to reach the doc...must have labs and a refill before we leave on Tuesday. 

Choosing Joy!
©2010 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...