Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Cape Oma/Shipwreck Beach

We ventured forth today for our final RECON ADVENTURE. Tomorrow, it's back to real life. LOL  We realized today how blessed we are that our wing chaplain HONORED Michael's time off. We've NEVER stayed in town, cleared the calendar and actually been able to enjoy time together. This is the first time in 15 years of military ministry that Michael has not been called in to the office, if we are in town. What a gift the past 13 days were. 

Today we headed for the Northernmost tip of Honshu. We made it....it was blustery but fun! 

As we drew near Cape Oma we saw many older ladies out harvesting sea weed....didn't get a photo of the drying racks. 

Oma Lighthouse

Us - at the northern tip....

After the group photos I walked down as near as I could get to the water....and told the kids *I* had actually been the MOST NORTHERN....

My pronouncement led to mayhem....

We found a communal kitchen and enjoyed our picnic lunch.  Then we headed down 279 - a route we'd not taken before. Gorgeous......and led us right to Shipwreck Beach. Michael and the boys went to look for floats. I kept the girls company in the van. It started to rain - and got dark....and they didn't return.....

THE ADVENTURE for the girls was that 6 police cars and 4 fire trucks showed up. They surrounded me...lights shining in the van....one policeman asked me "Do you speak Japanese" and I replied English. I have no CLUE what was up. They'd leave and come back....they shone their lights on the beach where the guys were.....I've not a clue. FINALLY the guys showed up......

and had found TWO floats....(Yay Jared and Nolan)....this brings our total finds to 3....funny that we've found only big ones, one green, two blue...  We'll find smaller ones yet. Our float hunters....

This was the first time in 25 years of ministry that we've "cleared the calendar" of even the "essentials" when we were in town. It was blessed. Wonderful.....we'll have to remember this plan...and honestly....nothing was all that essential near as I can tell. LOL  I was glad to honor Mike's request. 

Choosing Joy!
©2010 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...