Sunday, December 02, 2007

First Sunday in Advent

The Prophecy Candle

The miracle of Christmas is...that the God of the universe became flesh and dwelt among us.

“The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” which means, “God with us.” (Matt. 1:23)

Advent directs us to look back at the first coming of Christ and ahead to the second coming. The Prophecy candle focuses our attention even further back than Christ’s first coming. God spoke through the Prophets that He was sending His Son into the world. The theological term “transcendence” calls attention to the fact that God is beyond our comprehension. Isaiah 6:1-5 is an example of this “otherness.” The term “immanence” denotes God’s nearness and involvement in the affairs of mankind. We see that God is beyond human understanding, and, yet, He is near to us. He demonstrates this in the prophecy in Isaiah 7:14. The name of the one He is sending is Immanuel which means “God with us.” The miracle of Christmas is not that a child was born in a manger but that the God of the universe became flesh and dwelt among us.

As you spend time reading and meditating on the following scripture, consider the full breadth of the experience of the Prophecy candle. We rejoice at the celebration of His first coming; we are reminded of the reason that He came, and we are looking forward to His coming again.

Monday – Gen 3:16 I will put enmity between…your seed and her seed…
Tuesday – Gen 22:1-19 God will surely provide Himself the lamb…
Wednesday - John 1:1-14...He was in the world...and ..the world did not recognize him...
Thursday – I John 4:7-10 …God sent His only begotten Son…
Friday – I Thess 4:13-18 …and the Lord Himself will come down…
Saturday - Rev 22:12-14 Behold I am coming soon…

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