Friday, March 24, 2006


Here's the picture that wouldn't load below. {G} I already mentioned how I figured out the sling...I thought I'd share a few more thoughts on this contraption.....I've been assured that my sling is a bit short for me and that when I receive the new one I won't feel quite so "confined". That would be my only complaint.

Other than that, I've seen positives. Stacia loves the sling. She can watch the world from my viewpoint. She gets to travel faster than she can when left to her own devices. I am constantly rubbing her head for her and patting her tush too. I've long noted that Stacia has a storm before she gives up and goes to sleep. During the storm it helps if I hold her tight and she slips off to sleep. The sling makes this a natural. She simply lies her head down and sleeps. She wasn't a very cuddly baby and so this allows me to feel that we are cuddling. I've missed nursing with Stacia but since I'm wearing her a LOT of the day now I feel as close or closer to her than I did my nursing babes. My hands are free while I wear her...this means I can carry more, put on makeup and do my hair while I hold also means that we've had no more scares where my wrists give out as I'm holding her.

Wearing Stacia is SOOO much easier for me and my wrists than trying to carry the infant carrier. It is also so easy to go shopping when wearing her...I have two hands to shop and corrall Zander with...and am never leaving Stacia sitting in a cart while I chase someone else down the aisle...not that that has EVER really happened to me. {vbg}

Thanks to Adrienne for introducing me to slings...and Becky for giving me this one....and Julie for finally helping me to "get" how to put the thing on...still thinking of the barrio mama's of my youth in the Philippines...wish I'd remembered them much earlier.

BTW my arthritis symptoms are gone most days and I attribute that to the new diet and eating tons of pineapple and coconut oil. LOL (4 loaves of bread in the oven and 8 buns rising - want to see if the same recipe will work for both....and this is a NEW recipe....blew the top right off the Bosch).
Had to edit this: not sure if this is a positive or negative...but wearing Stacia allows her to reach up and plant her wide-open-mouthed-wet kisses on the side of my face any time she pleases. {G}


{picture won't load} The star of the day! Today Stacia finally had her 4 month well baby check – at 7+ months. The PA who saw us was giving me trouble about that and I was telling him the story. Finally he asked “are you the chaplain’s wife?” I said, “yes – one of them – well I mean I’m a wife of one of the chaplains”. He then noted that I need to be meaner with Tri-care. I seem to have a reputation after the thumb thing and the well baby thing. ANYWAY – I told him that if she’d not been doing well I would have insisted on getting her in. He then checked her out. She’s in the 95th percentile for height….may yet be 6 feet tall……and the 75th for weight. She’s fine. He noted that she has a unique shot record. I told him that we’d cleared all that previously with Dr. Carroll.

Not much else to report today. Mike has all but Stacia, Zander and Jared at Mr. Gatti’s for a farewell party. I simply didn’t feel right taking Zander to Gatti’s twice in one week. Jared didn’t want to go. Josiah has to work. Mike needs to get our muffler fixed…which IS under warranty but once again there isn’t the shop here that warranties it…I love moving all the time…think we should quit getting the warranties…this keeps happening with the vehicles. Zander and I made another batch of “healthy cookies” – which can’t be to healthy. {G}

I’m preparing for a Spiritual Gift Seminar that we’ll be having next Tuesday. As always I have about 3x the notes I need….but they are starting to organize themselves. I simply need time on the computer when it is QUIET to get them all into a hand out/test type form.

OH big thank you to Charly, fellow FG mom, who told me that Papa Johns is on the FG program. I didn’t even know we HAD a Papa Johns in town…and I can order ONLINE…which I did. That takes care of Friday night Pizza and a movie….and the revolters will be happy as I ordered their favorite “Hawaiian Pizza” – you know Canadian BACON and pineapple…..I was excited to see that they eve have spinach alfreddo pizza at Papa John’s. It takes small things to excite me these days.

Now – Stacia is napping after her big date. Jared and Zander are playing a computer game…and I’m going to go make some bread and hamburger buns. OH – a couple more things….I’m so thrilled with our RE coordinator – and she’s leaving in May – bummer. She emailed me to ask what we could do for Zander’s class for treats at Sunday School. Is that great or what? I appreciate knowing that she will help me police him at chapel.

I figured this sling thing out when a friend from high school wrote me after reading the blog. Julie is great! She told me to go back to my roots. She told me to picture the little Barrio mama’s with a baby on a hip and a sarong over their shoulder. When I pictured the sling as a sarong it worked the very first time. I’m fast becoming quite adept at this sling thing. There is a lady in town who is making me a pretty one. I got to go pick out the colors and it was fun…not sure it is subdued enough for chapel so I may have to get another one made…but have to find a place to order the sling rings….so far no luck.

The bread is screaming to be made now….still looking for a tortilla press….they don’t carry them any longer at HEB.