Sunday, February 12, 2006


I couldn’t figure out WHY my vacuum cord was not stretching as far as it usually does….I don’t have a cat….I have Stacia.


We *F*I*N*A*L*L*Y* opened Josiah’s birthday gifts tonight.
He was feeling well, Mike got home at 9 p.m. and we figured we’d better seize the day before the ORI begins in the a.m. Here are a few shots from the event. Zander cracked us all up when he grabbed a gift and ran it to Jamin. If you’ve been following our blog at all you realize that Jared’s birthday was in January and three of our boys had birthdays during this past week. Jamin’s is still a week away. Apparently, Zander had been noticing more than we thought. He ran the gift to Jamin and said “I think this is for JAMIN’S happy birthday”. We thought it was sweet. We tried to explain but he is very concerned for his “other brother Jamin”. It seems that Cy is “his brother” and the others are all “other brothers”. {bg} Every time he says it he reminds me of the old Bob Newhart show…”this is Darryl and my other brother Darryl”.

Cy’s Worldview…gift from Stacia and Nolan

Zander couldn’t wait to open “his” gift to Cy!


Motives can be so tricky. We can so easily do good things for the wrong reasons….and we can do wrong things for the right reasons. This gets really murky when friends we trust call our motives into question.

There are several circumstances lately that have me evaluating my motives. I had posted weeks ago that I was praying about the balance between ministry inside and outside of my home. Many commented that I needed to check my motives. I did. I was asked to share some thoughts on a book and then was warned to check my motives when I did {g}. I did. I’ve been praying about my motives in a variety of other situations…what is motivating my counsel on this issue, what is motivating my response in that situation…and I’ve been praying about an issue or two where I think God is saying to act but I’m questioning how others will perceive my motives. I’ve been praying, fasting and tied in knots while questioning motivation….motivation…motivation. How to be SURE my motives were right? I would never want to step out on my own….attempt to do God’s work on my OWN.

Beth, a dear, OLD, ANCIENT, college-friend, sent me one comment that made it all so simple. I love it when she does that. She truly has a gift. She so often speaks clarity to my "twisted" thought processes. {G} We know from I and II Samuel that God looks at and judges the heart (clearly seen in I Sam 16:7 and in principle throughout a study on Saul and David’s life). I teach this. I love this. I’d never, however, realized so clearly how this could help to solve that tricky question of motives.

Beth simply said, “People can look at the outside and make judgments' but we know God looks at the heart. If that makes you fearful then there is change needed. If it gives you peace, knowing He knows what you really desire, then that tells you exactly what you need to know.”

Amazingly simple, isn't it? I know there have been times when the thought of God judging my heart made me cringe. There are many other times when it brings comfort and peace to be reminded that God judges the heart. Others may not understand my motives, but I can rest knowing that HE understands.

The whole issue of motives suddenly becomes very easy to determine. If I’m at total peace when I remember that God will judge my heart…then I know that my motive is right before Him. On the other hand, things could look really good but if knowing that God will judge my heart causes me concern and discomfort, I can be fairly certain that my motives are not pure and need some further adjusting.

It’s all so simple.