Friday, June 30, 2006

Salad Dressing
In an effort to make salad and fresh veggies seem like something NEW….I tried a new salad dressing recipe. Laura on SHS shared this one and it is good.

Honey Poppy Seed Dressing:
1 1/2 C. honey
1 3/4 t. ground mustard
1 3/4 t. salt
2/3 C. apple cider vinegar
2 T. onion flakes
1 T. poppy seeds
1 C. salad oil (I prefer sunflower over canola, but you could use either)
Combine honey, mustard, salt and vinegar in a non-reactive pan. Mix well and heat to lukewarm. Place mixture in a blender. On low setting, gradually add oil in a thin stream. Mix in onion flakes and poppy seeds. Chill

*I’m not sure why you need to heat the honey and vinegar. All my salad dressings are now a base of oil, vinegar and honey and I don’t heat them. I wonder why it’s heated here….I’ll have to ask. I used 2 tsp of the dry mustard and 1 ½ tsp of salt…..

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