Friday, September 30, 2005

Stacia is Six Weeks Old!

This week marked Stacia’s sixth week with us. We wanted to be sure to post a picture for BreAnne and Krista to see. She is finally starting to grow eyebrows…very faint. She also has continued to grow eyelashes and we think they may be long like Josiah and Nolan’s.

Earlier this week I decided it would be a good distraction to trim Arielle's hair. I was carrying Stacia, Zander was following along behind. I asked him, "Do you want a hair cut"? He assumed I was talking to Stacia and replied in panic. "No, Mom, NOT STACIA! STACIA NEEDS HAIR"! Yes, she does need hair. She is still bald, except for the back. A couple have told us she is going to have beautiful auburn/red hair. One even said it would be "just like her mother's". This prompted a wise- mouthed, nameless husband to reply "Oh, you mean whatever the color of the week is at the new salon?" ::::snort::: 

Stacia does have hydronephrosis and will be having another test (a VCUG) on 12 October. They say that this is very treatable and will most likely do no lasting kidney damage.

I received good news from the doctor this week. She decided that I could quit taking my blood pressure meds. I’ll continue to monitor my blood pressure and go in to see the base doc if my readings begin to go high. Otherwise…I have finally been given that elusive “clean bill of health”.


BreAnne and Krista, Arielle wants to be sure you see her missing tooth. She also is very excited to tell you that she ate HALF a HAMBURGER (meat, bun, ketchup, mustard et al) today at Burger King. We'll put the news here and I'm sure she'll tell you next time she gets you on the phone.
Arielle has also gone to being the oldest girl in the household. She takes this seriously and has been diligent to help me with all sorts of new tasks. She's watching over Stacia who now sleeps in the new crib in "Arielle's room".

Missing our Girls

This scene met me at 4 a.m. one day last week. I heard Zander crying and went to find him. He had dragged his pillow and comforter in where Krista’s bed usually is. Arielle was sleeping with a picture of the girls. Zander told me, "I want Wicsa". No doubt about it girls....we miss you.


Thanks to Summer; who stored our halibut, packaged it and shipped it overnight to Texas.

The halibut arrived the week the girls left and it was a bright point in a dreary week. We have safely given the halibut a new home and have begun to enjoy a *taste of home* here in TX....halibut salad, halibut tacos, fish and chips, lazibut (Halibut Lasagna).....

Our reunion with the halibut has prompted Jared to write the following poem:

Two eyes it has on both sides it does
It is a Halibut, fishing for it is fun
When on hook up, up it comes
Chop, chop, chop, tasty it is when cooked!

Thanks to Krista, the fisherwoman who caught most of this Halibut.